

📖 What I've been reading:

  • Heather McGhee: SUM OF US, THE (Paperback, Profile Books Ltd)


    Heather McGhee

  • Max Fisher: Chaos Machine (2022, Little Brown & Company, Little, Brown and Company)

    Chaos Machine

    The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World

    Max Fisher

  • Stefano Caselli, Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti: Inferno by Jonathan Hickman (2022, Marvel Worldwide, Incorporated)

    Inferno by Jonathan Hickman

    Stefano Caselli, Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti

This books page layout was replicated from the work of Simon Dann. That page was inspired by the books pages of Dave Rupert, Mark Llobrera, Søren Birkemeyer and Derek Shirk. They originally got the idea for a books page from Maggie Appleton and her Antilibrary. The first version of this page was inspired by Cox Chapman's Books page. I was further hooked on a homepage for my own book activity by the library.json proposal by Tom Critchlow.