


This is a development blog listing key updates when I find the time. You can find changes made upstream from this blog at the changelog there.

  1. Branching off from Aram and PhotoGabble
    April 16, 2024

Code Source

This blog uses the code from and is heavily based on the work of Simon Dann (

Original Inspiration

This section lists the inspirations that formed the origional template and are preserved here to maintain that credit. The following has been replicated from PhotoGabble.

Design inspiration for this website has come from many places. The current minimalist layout was initially using Tufte CSS and that design approach has remained.

A special thanks to:

The following websites have provided design inspiration:


This website makes use of the following third party resources:


This website is a static generated site, built using eleventy (11ty) and hosted with Netlify. Building this website is dependant upon the following third party libraries:


Unless otherwise stated this website and content is licensed Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). It's source code is freely available and hosted on GitHub.

†exemptions include mirrored code snippets which will each display their license terms if available.

Carbon Conscious Web Practices

For every visit to this site, only 0.02g of CO2 is produced. I am unwavering in my commitment to decrease this value whenever possible, even if it means opting for a simpler design that may not suit everyone's taste. The goal is to provide valuable content while treading lightly on our planet.