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Big brother in 2025

posted on in: Google, gulf, mexico, america, brother and big.
~127 words, about a 1 min read.

In the book 1984, the main character's whole job was to replace documents's content with approved facts by the State. The country was in a permanent war against Eurasia and no one knew why the war started, nor why it continued on. The book demonstrates what a totalitarian regime will do to stay in power and what it must do to keep it's populace soaked in propaganda.

The Verge's Jay Peters reports, Google is replacing the Gulf of Mexico for Gulf of America:

Google announced yesterday that Maps in the US will show Gulf of America and Mount McKinley, and CNBC today reports that the company’s maps division has added the US to its list of “sensitive” countries.

This is just the beginning.

Google reclassifies U.S. as ‘sensitive country’ alongside China, Russia after Trump’s ‘Gulf of America’ comments [CNBC]