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Grief and Sacrifice

posted on in: politics, Biden and 2024 Election.
~467 words, about a 3 min read.

I recently attended my friend's mom's funeral, the day before. The weight of grief can be so very hard. As I listened to my dear friend deliver his beautiful eulogy, I was struck by a realization that many men are unable to cry ā€“ not because they don't want to, but because they can't. To see my friend speak with some much love for his mom, and to see him cry, was a special moment. I cried too. Seeing my friend's pain, I felt his weight, his grief in that moment. Shortly after, I told him I loved him.

Years ago, I once told my mother-in-law how I think everyone in the nation is grieving on some level. This was during the pandemic, and lots of people were dying. And lots of people were going nuts too. As people were dying and struggling to cope, I told her that I believe everyone is grieving on some level ā€“ even if they're not aware of it. For many men, the grief of losing something or someone remains buried deep inside, with no tears to shed. I think crying is a gift.

My dear friend had this eloquent part of his speech where he said in effect, the vacations that were planned, the trips to far away places, the fancy foods will never be. Instead, it was was visits to the doctor. It was plans for assistant care living.

After I said I loved him, I didn't try to say anything else. I just hugged him. The best thing to say in these moments is to say nothing more.


On July 22, 2024, President Biden stepped aside and ended his presidential campaign. He put aside his personal ambition, a man who wanted nothing more than to achieve Office of the Presidency, a second term. With that, Donald Trump's political luck came to a sudden halt. Trump is now the oldest candidate, with questions around his mental acuity, and a felon record at that.

Vice President Harris, as the presumptive nominee, has set up the campaign's early narrative as the prosecutor versus the felon. She's using "Freedom" by Beyonce as her campaign song. She has re-energized the campaign, with 100,000 new volunteers and over $82 million dollars raised in 24 hours. Early polling shows Trump's lead is gone. It feels the sacrifice that President Biden made was right.


I imagine President Biden is mourning his chance to becoming a second term president. Single term presidents have a mark in history as being so disastrous during their term, such that they avoided humiliation of defeat by dropping out of their race. President Biden might feel he failed the nation, his party, and family.

I think he gave us a real shot in winning the election.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on July 27, 2024 in commit 34cc5901 and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. fixed some typos
  2. edits to grief and sacrifice
  3. grief and sacrifice