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Is the demise of console gaming nigh? Maybe that's fine.

posted on in: gaming, console, genZ, genAlpha, microsoft, xbox, sony, playstation, nintendo and daughter.
~306 words, about a 2 min read.


The solution is to pass on old gaming hardware to our children

Jim Trinca of Eurogamer argues persuasively that game console exclusives are nearing an end and that trend might be part of a bigger phenomenon.

I haven't really considered genZ and genAlpha consumers as an impending challenge to the console business. They are not buying TVs, game consoles and gaming like older consumers (like me). Their attention is very much on their smartphones. It doesn't seem they are all that impressed by higher and higher end graphics. The big three consoles are still selling games from the 80's and 90's. I mean Final Fantasy 7 Remake was pretty darn fun.

I, for one, am introducing my daughter to gaming. She's 7 years old and for the couple years, she has played my wife's restored Gameboy Advance (over 20 years old!) and my Nintendo 3ds. She recently played lots of Pokemon Red and Super Mario World Advance. She's gotten pretty good at Mario 64 on my Nintendo Switch.


A bare gameboy advance logic board. Beautiful

Gameboy Advance Restored

Nintendo would do well to sell restoration kits

Will there be a console business in the next two cycles? I don't know, but there is plenty of games I own, consoles sitting in my basement, waiting to be played.

ā€” The Death of Console Exclusives Is Inevitable and I Don't Know How I Feel About It [Eurogamer]