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The Productivity Lifestyle

posted on in: productivity, lifestyle, bullet journal and to-do list.
~122 words, about a 1 min read.

What keeping a bullet journal can teach you about using to-do list apps – The Verge

I, at one time, wanted to achieve god-tier bullet journaling. As it turns out I was more interested in buying into the life style around an organized successful person, than being an organized successful person. I still carry my leather-bound 3 stack journal, and once in a while confess some thought, or past memory. I do believe the act of writing sharpens the mind -- the act of physically using a pencil or pen onto paper brings forth the subconscious energy: chaotic and fragmented. Maybe one day I fashion myself a brand new motivation to bullet journal in all it’s aesthetically pleasing allure.

Page History

This page was first added to the repository on May 12, 2024 in commit f4586235 and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. fix broken link
  2. import posts from dpham5.com