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Vice President Biden 8 Years Ago On Colbert

posted on in: COVID, Biden, Colbert, Beau Biden, President, Vice President, 2024 Elections and Stephen Colbert.
~163 words, about a 1 min read.


When Vice President, Biden talked about his son, Beau, you can see it hurt him so deeply to lose him. This man is such a good person. His service to our country, and his resolve -- to stand up to tyranny at the door of White House -- it's admirable. President Biden has given so much. He saved us from the brink of fascism, the depths of COVID, passed an array of historic legislation from climate change to infrastructure. But it's time Mr. Biden. It's time to pass the torch to the next person. The timing is unfair, and biology is cruel. Yet, here we are.

Anyway, this interview with Stephen Colbert gets me. As I kind of hinted earlier, its when Biden talks about his son, Beau.

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