Learning HTMX

I am exploring htmx. I learned Alexander Petros was a former colleague of mine and he is now a core developer for htmx. We've never met, but we correspond on slack. I reached out to him after watching his talk at Big Sky Con and shared with him my admiration for his work.

Aram Zucker-Sharff did a little fun project, Song Obsessed using htmx. He mentioned to me that he wanted to explore htmx and the project was a cool fun way to understanding it.

I am reading through Hypermedia Systems by Carson Gross, Afam Stepinkski, Deniz Aksimsek and Wm Talcott. I listened to Carson Gross on Syntax.fm here as he talked about building htmx. As I'm collecting notes on it, I am excited to be learning some cool stuff. The web doesn't seem so dead after all.


  • Rebuild sarajstreeter.com in htmx
  • phase out nextjs and react for htmx
  • it's a simple static one page site. Nextjs is overkill.

TIL December 2024

  • two attributes that enables htmx:
    • hx-get
    • hx-swap
<button hx-get=/users hx-swap=outerHTML>View Users</button>
  • hx-swap=outerHTML means "replace outerHTML which means the button" or other words, replace button with ul list


I recall a conversation I had about the use of htmx, or rather where/when to use it. A site that doesn't have much interactivity is a good candidate for htmx because static sites don't need a shadow dom, or a thick client. Swapping out html should not rely on a data structure, like JSON.


hx-get and swapping out html partials on response to a user interaction or event is a similar idea to Astro's Island Architecture.
Islands architecture | Docs, Understanding Astro islands architecture - LogRocket Blog, and Server Islands | Astro

  • Astro would be swapping out react components
  • this pattern in swapping out components has a benefit in rendering a smaller footprint and render cycles
  • Would it create a thinner client?
Page History

This page was first added to the repository on January 4, 2025 in commit 902cf707 and has since been amended twice. View the source on GitHub.

  1. update htmx project
  2. add htmx project
  3. embed responsive code and pryan music